Possibili nuovi progetti, 18/6/2009

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view post Posted on 10/1/2011, 23:55

Ho pensato di aprire una discussione per i film per i quali ci sono delle voci ma non sono ancora sicuri (anche perchè, e questo vale per tutti gli attori, tante volte anche i progetti sicuri saltano improvvisamente, per tanti motivi diversi, vedi MANDRAKE e forse anche MARY MOTHER OF CHRIST)


Come avrete letto Tom Criuse e JJ Abrams (stavolta come produttore) hanno annunciato che stanno lavorando a MISSION IMPOSSIBLE IV.
Non ci sono affatto conferme che Jonny farà parte del progetto ma.... come vi avevo detto qualche tempo fa Ali aveva buttato là qualcosa sul JRMFansite , prima che si avessero notizie del progetto.
Ora c'è questo articolo che farebbe addirittura sperare in qualcosa di più per Jonny. Probabilmente solo chiacchiere di un blog (anche se autorevole visto che è un blog di MTV e che viene riportato su IMDb), però fa piacere pensare che qualcuno pensi a Jonny come possibile sostituto di Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise Doesn’t Headline ‘Mission: Impossible IV,’ Then Who Should Take His Place?
Published by Josh Wigler on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:00 pm.
Like MTV Movies Blog editor Adam Rosenberg, I too am a fan of “Mission: Impossible III,” and I’m happy to hear that series star Tom Cruise and “III” director J.J. Abrams will reunite for a fourth outing with Ethan Hunt and the IMF gang.
What really catches my interest is the latest news from The Hollywood Reporter, which confirms TV Guide’s earlier scoop of Abrams and Cruise’s return to the franchise. It’s not the confirmation that has my spider-sense tingling but the insinuation that Cruise might no longer be the face of the “Mission: Impossible” franchise. Citing an unnamed executive source, the THR story mentions that he might hand the reigns over to a younger actor, or even to an ensemble.
It’s hard to imagine that Tom Cruise would step into the producer role and leave his acting shoes back home. It certainly is not out of the realm of possibility that the actor, now 46, could ask for a minimized role in the “Impossible” series. Could Ethan Hunt be heading for a desk job -as he had tried to do in the third film -leaving the door open for a new agent to take his place on the field?
For the moment, let’s imagine that Cruise is indeed passing the torch. Who would be best suited to replace him? Surely, a Ving Rhames-headlining “Mission: Impossible IV” seems out of the question in attracting a mainstream audience. He’s great, but he’s not exactly one of Hollywood’s go-to leading men. I would certainly see a midnight showing of a Rhames-led “M:I” movie, no question! But are there other characters from the series that could take the lead?
It’s easy to forget that Jonathan Rhys Meyers had a bit role to play in “M:I III” as Declan Gormley, a member of the newly assembled IMF squad. The actor’s star is on the rise thanks to his celebrated performance as Henry VIII on “The Tudors,” a Showtime series that chronicles the history of Henry’s rule over England. Meyers is only 32 years old and he has pre-established history within the “Impossible” franchise. Those factors, along with the cheaper paycheck he would draw as compared to an actor of Tom Cruise’s caliber, mean you could have the perfect and in many ways ready-made replacement for Ethan Hunt.
Still, I wonder if elevating Declan’s character would feel forced, and if it’s best to just keep him as part of the ensemble. In either case, that’s one thing I hope remains consistent between “III” and “IV” - say what you will about Cruise, but there’s no denying Abrams’ ability to manage an ensemble. He did it perfectly during his tenure on “Alias” and “Lost,” then proved himself again with both “M:I III” and “Star Trek.”
Maybe the best route then would be to keep Meyers and the rest of the last movie’s ensemble - including Simon Pegg, Laurence Fishburne and the aforementioned Rhames - in place. In that scenario, would the film be better served as a pure ensemble piece or as a star vehicle for a newcomer?
There are plenty of rising stars in Hollywood that could take over Cruise’s leading man status. Abrams has a knack for pulling young actors up by their bootstraps and shooting them to stardom - just look at Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth. There are several other actors on the small screen that he could give a similar boost to, such as “Lost”’s Josh Holloway, “True Blood’s” Alexander Skarsgård and former “Alias” actor-turned “Heroes” villain David Anders. Heck, even Meyers’ “Tudors” co-star Henry Cavill could fit the bill.
Of course, there are literally hundreds of established movie stars that Cruise could pass the baton to, from “Bourne” star Matt Damon to “Terminator: Salvation” breakout Sam Worthington to the multi-faceted Sam Rockwell to… well… whoever. The pool of A-List and B-List candidates is truly endless.
Maybe the most obvious possibility is that THR’s speculation won’t pan out, and that Tom Cruise will be back in a leading man capacity. As the trade itself notes, both Harrison Ford and Bruce Willis pulled off extraordinary box office numbers with fourth installments in the “Indiana Jones” and “Die Hard” franchises, respectively - and they both have several years on Cruise.
Still, it’s worth wondering how the “Mission: Impossible” series should proceed with its fourth installment. Should Cruise and Abrams be looking towards tomorrow, bringing in a fresh face to represent several new films to come? Or does Cruise still have it in him for at least one more “Impossible” mission?
The real question, as always, is.....
what do YOU think?


Su IMDb, nella pagina di Jonny c'è elencato un nuovo film, anche se al momento è annunciato come "rumored" :
"At Swim-Two-Birds"
Il regista sarebbe Brendan Gleeson (l'attore di "In Bruges"), che ha anche scritto la sceneggiatura, tratta da un libro di Flann O'Brien, scrittore irlandese.
Gli altri attori sarebbero Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy e Gabriel Byrne!!!!

Avevo letto di questo in una vecchia intervista a Gabriel Byrne, e lui era sembrato molto eccitato all'idea di questo progetto tutto irlandese.
Chiaramente incuriosita, come capita sempre per tutto quello che riguarda Jonny, ero corsa in biblioteca a cercare il libro, ma confesso di non essere riuscita proprio a leggerlo!!! E' veramente uno strano libro.
Ma sembrano tutti così convinti che farne un film sia una grande idea, speriamo che abbiano ragione.
Chissà che ruolo avrà Jonny ???


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